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Civil Defence & PPE

Personal Protective Equipment

Having personal protective equipment at any workplace is a legal requirement, but it also has benefits for your organisation. Ensuring that you have everything you need in case of an emergency will put your employees at ease while also creating a safe environment to work in. With New Zealand susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis, this equipment takes on an even more critical role. A Civil Defence cabinet can save lives; that’s why having one in your workplace is so essential. Security Alert is a one-stop-shop for everything civil defence and safety and will get your organisation on track!

Security Alert’s equipment and supplies

We have a large variety of PPE and civil defence products available at Security Alert and can cater to your needs. Due to COVID, we have seen an increase in PPE orders and can supply masks, wipes, hand sanitisers and full-face visors to ensure your workers are protected from the virus.

At Security Alert, we understand that some businesses might find it challenging to spend a significant amount on equipment. That’s why we have leasing options available. We also offer free team training to ensure that everyone in the organisation knows what to do in an emergency. This will ensure that everyone shares the responsibility and works together as a team. We can complete onsite assessments and provide you with some suggestions about improving the workplace’s health and safety. Our team are experts in civil defence procedures and will give you the necessary knowledge you need!

PPE and Civil Defence gear

Contact Security Alert today

Get in touch with our team today to find out how we can support your business with our personal protective equipment and civil defence products. We can give you a quote and some further information about how you can make your business even safer!

Contact us now for information & quotes